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Adults with Disabilities
Course Category
About Adults with Disabilities

Adults with Disabilities programs are designed to serve adults with physical, developmental or cognitive disabilities by encouraging inclusion in the community and providing educational, social and recreational opportunities for participants. Programming can include development of classes and activities specifically for adults with disabilities as well as providing reasonable accommodations for adults with disabilities to participate in any Community Education activity.

Featured Courses

  • True Knights Activities

    True Knights Activities True Knights provides arts, recreation and support activities for students with physical, sensory, neurological and/or developmental disabilities hosted through STMA Community Education.Students from STMA high school and WINGS transition program are welcomed to attend.Check us out on Facebook at STMA True Knights for more information. Victory United Soccer: Champions Play as One! Some dream about goals-we make them! Students on an IEP grades 9-12 and Wings transition students will learn soccer skills and drills as they work together with peer mentors to rise above, and play beyond! Families must provide PCA supports for their participant if needed.