Part-time Preschool for ages 3-5 years.
Early Childhood Family Education is a program to connect families within the STMA community. ECFE offers classes, separating and non-separating for children ages birth through five and their families.
Kids Play is a school age child care program for children Kindergarten through 4th grade. Just 4 Kids program is for children who are 4 years old by Sept. 1.
The AC is located at: 5800 Jamison Ave NE, St. Michael, MN 55376. For more information call 763.497.6541
The pool is located at St. Michael-Albertville Middle School East 4862 Naber Ave NE St. Michael, MN 55376 Enter Door H
Spend time with just dad! Play in the gym, do a craft, get messy - just have fun!!
FREE Infant class for Babies and their parents!
Spend time with your little ones without the stress of separation! A great way to introduce school!
Get Ready for Kindergarten!
Preschool-age children and their parents will enjoy time together while learning how fun school can be!
Classes with a short separation in the safety of a classroom setting. Parents are just down the hall!
Fun one-time events for the entire family! Check out all we have to offer!
Classes to introduce your little one to new friends!
True Knights Activities
True Knights provides arts, recreation and support activities for students with physical, sensory, neurological and/or developmental disabilities hosted through STMA Community Education.Students from STMA high school and WINGS transition program are welcomed to attend.Check us out on Facebook at STMA True Knights for more information.
True Knights Origami Paper Sculpture
Join us for a fun origami event with True Knights Arts! Learn the ancient Japanese art of paper folding.
True Knights PromJoin us for the True Knights Prom where everyone is celebrated like royalty. Stroll the red carpet, enjoy music, dancing, and games with friends. Don’t forget to capture unforgettable moments at the photo wall. True Knights rule the dance kingdom!Formal attire is not necessary. Students should dress modestly in what they are comfortable dancing in.
High School Prom for SPED/Connections and Wings studentsSaturday, April 12, 20256:00-8:00 pmSTMA High School CafeteriaFree admission
Stacey Patyk , Jennifer Ann Wright